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Carrier Zoom View- New Feature!

You already know that FiberLocator Online can show you details on a fiber network down to street level, and you know you can “zoom to max extent” which shows you the entire United States. With the new Carrier Zoom View feature, now you also get the benefit of using FiberLocator Online to visualize and better […]

Now More Numeric Pushpins

You’ve been able to add multiple locations for some time now — but tracking only nine locations just wasn’t enough! Now you can track up to 20 distinct locations with numeric pushpins in FiberLocator Online. To use this feature, you can simply input up to 20 locations in the address search bar across the top […]

Lit Building List Gets a Big Boost

FiberLocator is leaping tall buildings with a single bound! Or, at least we’re making significant additions to our rapidly growing list of on-net buildings. FiberLocator now catalogs over 215,000 on-net or “lit” buildings as reported by the carriers in FiberLocator. Carriers routinely update information in FiberLocator to help us deliver the best possible data to […]

Submarine Cable Data & Landing Stations

New data is now available in FiberLocator! For a limited time, FiberLocator Online users can choose to view submarine cable operators and landing stations along with all the other great telecom data in the system.  If you have any questions about the data or how to use it, don’t hesitate to contact us. Take the […]

Number Your World: FiberLocator System Update

Make sure to log into FiberLocator to check out the latest updates! This week’s platform update brings back an old favorite feature, and introduces what will hopefully become a new favorite as well. First, back in with the old: we have reintroduced the ability to store your password in the login screen of FiberLocator. The […]

Introducing FiberLocator Training

First there was the telephone… Then came email… Finally, the smartest, easiest and most complete way to do telecom network research was born — FiberLocator! FiberLocator is growing by leaps and bounds, and many are curious to know more about the unique, searchable online telecom research database. FiberLocator maps thousands of “lit” buildings, data centers […]

GoDaddy DNS Issue May Affect Some FiberLocator Users

Like many sites on the web, we use GoDaddy’s DNS services for domains. Because our DNS is hosted at GoDaddy, some of our users have been experiencing issues with accessing FiberLocator because of an alleged cyber attack on GoDaddy. We are aware of the problem and monitoring GoDaddy communication channels in order to keep […]