Need for Speed

We all remember the famous line from Top Gun: “I feel the need… the need for speed.”

Speed is a key element of application performance in a system like FiberLocator. Users not only want to get the rich and voluminous data FiberLocator provides, but they also want the maps to render quickly and seamlessly on their browser. When users give feedback — we listen! Users commented that at times the refresh rate wasn’t fast enough. We noticed it too and due to the recent and very large data update with new carriers and lit buildings (now over 215,000 lit buildings), we immediately began working with our development team to get it corrected. That’s why we’ve made recent adjustments to the data layers and system performance to optimize the speed at which FiberLocator operates.

Several factors impact the speed of FiberLocator — here are some helpful items to keep in mind as you use FiberLocator.

  1. Browser: Google Chrome is actually the optimal browser and will work best with FiberLocator. Firefox is also a great option for using the FiberLocator system. Internet Explorer is acceptable, and be sure you’re running the most recent version, IE 9. The system should show an improvement with just that change in browser or version.
  2. Base layers: The “Streets” layer moves more quickly than “Satellite,” so if you’re navigating around, the system should move faster by using the Streets layer. (Base layers are the first option in the top left hand corner of the application.)
  3. Other layers usage: Try navigating around without any layers on — and then turn on your desired layers. By turning off the layers when you need to move around, you will see a marked improvement in the performance.
  4. Miscellaneous: Always keep in mind, the quality of your connection as well as peak usage hours can affect the speed of the system.

In the latest update, technically speaking, we changed the way the layers are categorized and also the tile sizes on the map. We’ve noticed significant improvement, and we hope you do too! Please tell us what you think — we value your feedback and look forward to continually improving FiberLocator thanks to the helpful comments from our users.