Locate an On-net Building

Knowledge is power, and FiberLocator Online puts the power of telecom and data center intelligence in your hands. With FiberLocator, you can search for a specific building or view an area and narrow down buildings that fit certain criteria to find the best fit. Simple, smart and powerful – the data in FiberLocator can be accessed online anytime through the self-service application.

Knowing the carrier options in a building can give network planners, consultants, commercial real estate brokers and carrier procurement specialists an instant way to source information that yields a host of potential benefits:

  • Tenants of a lit building can enjoy cost savings for telecom services and/or increased bandwidth by understanding their choices.
  • Tenants can also negotiate competitive agreements because carriers now compete for business.
  • Commercial Real Estate Brokers can guide decision making early in the process by understanding which space serves their clients’ telecommunications and infrastructure needs.
  • Nearby office locations can see how close they are to other providers to widen their options as well.

Viewing the telecom and data center infrastructure data for a lit building can give you leverage for cost savings, increased bandwidth, and more. Fill out the form on the right for a demo of FiberLocator Online.

FiberLocator is a required tool for anyone selling fiber at a national level.  If you are not using FiberLocator today, you are doing your clients a disservice by only providing them with partial options.  The team at Broadband Consultants uses…

Mark Radford, Co-Founder, Director of Operations and Quoting Team
Broadband Consultants
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