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Did FiberLocator Just Up Their API Game?

New API Enhancement to Provide Greater Geospatial Analysis Recently, the FiberLocator team upgraded its API to allow for more sophisticated analysis and control at the critical last mile of connectivity. With this latest addition to the application programming interface (API), members now can retrieve GeoJSON objects. Putting it in more technical terms, this add on […]

Addition of 477 Broadband Data

FiberLocator continues to grow as a leader in the telecommunications industry! Now the tool just got better with the addition of 477 broadband data! To make sure you are familiar with the upgrade, our team has compiled a few notes to get you up to speed. Please note, for your convenience, we are also conducting […]

New Features and Updates to FiberLocator

Over the last few months, FiberLocator put a great deal of behind-the-scenes work in stabilizing the platform. In that timeframe, it is a thrill to announce that our original developer has rejoined us! This will allow our dedicated team to place us in a position with more upgrades and enhancements going forward. After carefully listening […]

Carrier Spotlight

ZenFi Networks, a regional fiber optic, network edge colocation and wireless siting service provider operating in the New York and New Jersey metro region, has been a carrier on FiberLocator since 2016. The company recently expanded its network infrastructure and fiber footprint to reach further urban areas throughout northern NJ through its recent expansion driven by a […]

CLECs Try to Save Unbundled Dark Fiber Transport

On November 25, 2019, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in Docket 19-308, in which it decided the time had come to forebear from enforcing the remaining section 251(c)(3) unbundled network element (UNE) requirements.  As we have previously discussed, initial opposition to the proposal culminated in an industry agreement between CLECs and […]

Webinar Recap, Survey Results, and More!

It was great connecting with our subscribers in September. For a recap of the webinar, and survey results, read our latest blog post!

Last Update Date and Contact Information for Fiber Maps Appearing Now in FiberLocator Online

As you may know, the FiberLocator team is always looking for new ways to improve FiberLocator. Many of our users have been asking for the ability to see more information and details about our fiber maps within the FiberLocator Online platform. We have been working to implement these changes and they just recently went live! […]