FiberLocator Celebrates First Trans-Atlantic Cable with Record Updates


This past July marked the 150th anniversary of the first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable. To think it used to take weeks for a message to get from Europe to North America shows the great strides telecom has made over the course of 150 years. FiberLocator isn’t quite as old as that first trans-Atlantic cable, but we’re proud to build on its legacy by compiling the map, carrier and lit building data our users need to streamline communication across the globe.

If you follow FiberLocator news, you’re probably aware we’ve achieved some exciting records for data center and map updates over the past few months. On top of a massive surge in map additions and carrier updates, we’ve also accumulated over half a million unique lit building addresses. Check out the highlights of our database updates below. In honor of the first trans-Atlantic cable, we’ve also provided a few fun facts about today’s sub-sea cables.

Map Additions & Updates

Our latest string of map additions spans the globe to include locations as close as Minnesota and as far away as Germany. We also updated maps from some of the largest carriers inside FiberLocator. BP updated their undersea cable data and the District of N. Vancouver made a duct only addition.

Fun Fact: 99% of international data is transmitted via sub-sea cable.

Lit Building Additions & Updates

Updates have been made, so check out Cogent, Level 3, and Windstream to see their latest and greatest lit building data. We’re also happy to introduce Fusion Networks as our newest addition to the lit building database.

Fun Fact: The life-expectancy of most underwater cables is 25 years.

Data Center News & Noteworthy

Netrality Properties tops our list of data center updates for the past couple of months. We’ve also added or updated listings from big-name carriers like AT&T, CenturyLink and Equinix. Expanding to big name carriers is extremely important, because this not only helps make your job easier, but these companies encompass a wider area and variety of industries.

Fun Fact: In 2013, divers were caught cutting through a 12,500-mile underwater cable connecting three continents. Internet speeds dropped by 60% in Egypt alone.

Here’s to 150 more years of innovation in telecom. You can do your part to help optimize connectivity all over the world by suggesting new carrier data to FiberLocator. Add your map data here!