Introducing FiberLocator Training

First there was the telephone…

Then came email…

Finally, the smartest, easiest and most complete way to do telecom network research was born — FiberLocator!

FiberLocator is growing by leaps and bounds, and many are curious to know more about the unique, searchable online telecom research database. FiberLocator maps thousands of “lit” buildings, data centers and street-level facilities based carrier networks in the US. Whether you’ve never seen or used the tool or you use it every day, we invite you to get to know its capabilities and see how it can benefit you.

If you are a current FiberLocator subscriber, chances are that you’re pretty familiar with the tool. You’ve figured out the basic functions and have incorporated it into your workflow, and you’ve probably used it to make important decisions regarding your network infrastructure options. However, there’s always the chance to learn more!

And we welcome everyone. Even prospective subscribers are welcome to sign up for a demo for more information regarding the features and functions of FiberLocator and how it can be used to help your business.

Here are the topics that we’ll be covering:

FiberLocator Features & Functions 

A refresher course on the basic features and functions of FiberLocator that could help you accomplish even more. In this weekly webinar, we’ll explore all the buttons and icons and ways you can get the most from this powerful platform.

Use Cases

Whether you work in network planning, real estate, or anything in between, there’s a way that FiberLocator can make your job easier – but what good is having access to FiberLocator if you don’t know what you can use it for? We will examine ways that FiberLocator can be useful for your line of work, and how knowing the ways to use it can save you time, money and resources.

Tips and Tricks

Have you ever found yourself looking up fiber lines and saying, “Wait, that button does what? I can’t believe I didn’t know that before, it could have saved me so much time!” Join us to learn about various tips and tricks in FiberLocator. Learn how to quickly zoom in on two points, measure fiber distances, and learn which carriers have presence in lit buildings, among other topics.

Data Center Searches 

Finding the right data center that fits your business needs is no walk in the park. It requires a lot of preliminary research, legwork, and time. In this session, we’ll be showing you how FiberLocator can ease the data center selection process using simple everyday functions of the tool to quickly narrow down your possible sites and see how the options are laid out.

Saving Time & Money

You know how to use FiberLocator – type in an address, turn on the layers, and you’re off. It’s pretty simple and great information to have, but did you know that you can save yourself valuable time and save your business money while using the tool? Knowing how to navigate effectively through all of the layers of fiber lines, lit buildings and data centers can positively impact your workflow.


For more information or to sign up for a personalized demo, click here!


“Using the FiberLocator application has now become an integral part of our network design process and has been a key resource we use to quickly identify existing metro dark fiber. Beyond the point of identification, their fiber brokerage services team…

Vince Aragona, Engineering & Network Implementation
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Stop Searching for Fiber Networks,

Start Finding Them