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John-Paul Court
I don’t know how I lived without FiberLocator. Between the lit building lists and the fiber maps, I can see everything I need to see very quickly, and I use it every day. I can’t imagine not using it now, it would be like going back to the dark ages.

Mark Radford
FiberLocator is a required tool for anyone selling fiber at a national level. If you are not using FiberLocator today, you are doing your clients a disservice by only providing them with partial options. The team at Broadband Consultants uses the tool every single day. The real-time visibility into over 250 carriers has directly led to new business that we would have traditionally lost in the past. The tool pays for itself!

Chris Palermo
“At Global Communication Networks, knowledge and strategy is key when doing projects for the worlds largest companies. FiberLocator has been the best tool we have to show us where the On Net and “Close Net” fiber is. We have won several new customers by building in the “Close Net” carriers for redundancy purposes. Every now and then a carrier will ask us what they can do to get more of our fiber business. I tell them if we do not see them on FiberLocator we probably will not sell there service. Out of sight, out of mind. FiberLocator saves GCN tim

Vince Aragona
“Using the FiberLocator application has now become an integral part of our network design process and has been a key resource we use to quickly identify existing metro dark fiber. Beyond the point of identification, their fiber brokerage services team does a great job in understanding and interpreting our unique business needs, aligning us with ideal partners and facilitating the dark fiber acquisition.”

Sean Brady
“I was highly impressed with the level of detail and analysis as well as the expertise demonstrated in the FiberLocator Connectivity Report. We are using it to help us make a major budget decision and the information and maps were illuminating on many levels. Well worth the spend to get the data FiberLocator delivered. FiberLocator Online is an invaluable resource for narrowing down property searches. It takes the guesswork out of the bandwidth equation. Adding FiberLocator to my property reports has created a huge value with my clients who are looking to convert an industrial building to a data center and/or giving an industrial Landlord the fiber info on possible conversions. It provides information that customers need and most brokers don’t have… It is a great service and we look forward to working together.”

Columbus FiberNet
“CFN’s focus from the start has been to improve connectivity and promote competitive broadband for the Central Ohio region. Publishing our asset maps and data in FiberLocator is a critical way we raise visibility for this network and let others know that they have an ideal network option in and around Columbus.”

Michael Siteman
“I have been using FiberLocator for a year and a half and have found it to be invaluable in providing high quality and comprehensive information about fiber routes and carriers that just isn’t available from any other single source. Every client with whom I’ve worked raves about the value that I’ve added with this tool alone.”