It’s Official – FiberLocator 2.0 Launches


Exciting news! Now, it’s easier than ever for you to research fiber routes and on-net buildings online. With this release of FiberLocator 2.0, our users will have access to a new interface, improved security, and more output features – all contributing to a simpler, more intuitive workflow.

Our awesome and responsive users chimed in with many great suggestions, and we were able to implement a variety of top feature requests into FiberLocator 2.0. Here’s a sampling of what you can find in our new interface:

  1. “Map Data” in View – Replacing the Dynamic Legend, this tool puts you in the driver’s seat of your map viewing. Turn layers on and off, highlight multiple layers, and easily access information on the distance radius tool.
  2. Saved Searches – Next time you log in, you’ll be brought right back to where you left off.
  3. Easy Information Access – We’ve replaced the “Get Info” toolbar option with a message on a particular location that pops up anytime you left click an item.
  4. Faster Rendering – We’ve reduced the page load times for the lit buildings, data centers and fiber routes in our database.
  5. Batch Addresses – Upload and show batches of addresses on the FiberLocator map or download a spreadsheet of the results, complete with carriers on-net and the five-closest carriers to the site.
  6. Simplified Password Retrieval – If you ever lose your password, you can now simply make a new one after confirming your information.
  7. Output to PDF and PNG – Easily share maps and data sets with new and improved output options.

Want to learn more about FiberLocator 2.0? Sign up for our FiberLocator 2.0 debut webinar on September 29th. And if you’re ready to put these new features to use, get a free trial of our fiber network and on-net building database.